...clean my plate. This has to do with the fact that one of my dear housemates was taught at her camp to use a piece of bread like a sponge to clean up all the extra sauce, etc., but also with the fact that I just really don't like seeing food go to waste anymore. I have been thinking a lot about hunger this year, and really, United States citizens waste a LOT of food. I'm trying my best to take what I feel I can eat (and I think I'm getting better about eye-ing that), knowing that I can always go back for seconds if I am still hungry.
...give away clothes. Maybe it's because my dresser drawers are kind of small, maybe it's cause I, probably like a fair amount of my friends, have a fair amount of clothes, maybe it's because I see more people now on a daily or weekly basis that I know need clothes more than I do. But for whatever reason, it's been getting easier to get rid of things.
...use pennies. Yesterday I made change with a twenty in exchange for three 5s, four 1s, a quarter, a nickel, 5 dimes, and twenty pennies. When I buy a drink from the store, a pack of gum, or whatever in the next few days, I plan on using pennies. They're coins, too, and it sure makes me feel thrifty and like a better spender when I use them instead of breaking bills all the time.
...write...? Blogging has always felt pretty natural and easy to me, which is why I'm doing it now, instead of writing the second of three articles that I have the privilege of contributing to the summer issue of Your Nebraska Lutheran (click the link to take you to the synod page and my articles from the spring issue will appear eventually on the banner in the middle), re-writing my resume, or writing a personal essay about why I want the internship I would love to get this fall. However, I'll probably spend a few more minutes on one of those things before I head for bed. I may find blogging the easiest, but getting one article out today was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and I can handle the other stuff, too.
Speaking of which - I'll be blogging this weekend for the Nebraska Synod Assembly - check out http://faith2grow.nebraskasynod.org to see those entries if you're so inclined.
I, too, am trying to live with less stuff (though it's hard when I keep thinking of things I want my parents to send me...) and I've also become a resourceful non-food-wasting cook/eater. Ukrainians hate to waste food.